The Path of

Yoga Therapy

Healing – Transformation – Joy


My Story

When I started doing Yoga I had many false ideas and misconceptions about what it actually was. Initially, I thought it was all about movement and flexibility, and only for those who were small in size and flexible. Diving deeper into the world of Yoga and Yoga Therapy, I realized that it has nothing to do with that.

Furthermore, if you think that Yoga isn’t for you, that you are in a terrible state with a crazy monkey mind, Yoga might be exactly what you, in fact, need!

I found out that although Yoga is an ancient Indian tradition, it has nothing to do with religion itself. Everyone can practice Yoga and I met students from all over the world with various religious backgrounds, different belief systems, and even atheists. All of them found their own place in Yoga.


When I started doing Yoga I had many false ideas and misconceptions about what it actually was. Initially, I thought it was all about movement and flexibility, and only for those who were small in size and flexible. Diving deeper into the world of Yoga and Yoga Therapy, I realized that it has nothing to do with that.

Furthermore, if you think that Yoga isn’t for you, that you are in a terrible state with a crazy monkey mind, Yoga might be exactly what you, in fact, need!

I found out that although Yoga is an ancient Indian tradition, it has nothing to do with religion itself. Everyone can practice Yoga and I met students from all over the world with various religious backgrounds, different belief systems, and even atheists. All of them found their own place in Yoga.


Yoga does not ask you to believe blindly in what is taught, but rather to take what works for you and make your own experience with it. Yoga is not merely a theory and intellectual study study; it is a system of practice, through which you accumulate your own experiences and perceive the benefits and effects very individually.

Yoga always was and is a moksha shastra, a spiritual path, if you want to use it as such. The liberation, high states of consciousness, and ultimate freedom offered through Yoga are real for those who practice with dedication. It is a vertical path of evolution.

But if you are not immediately interested in the spiritual and esoteric aspects of the path of Yoga, Yoga Therapy offers a comprehensive, holistic approach to the healing of body, mind, and soul.

Scientific studies have shown that ancient yogic knowledge ameliorates many ailments and eases challenges that arise due to our modern lifestyles and daily demands. Almost as if health is a byproduct of a yogic lifestyle, it allows you to become more disciplined, gain more strength and self-control, and at the same time it encourages deep relaxation, awareness, and equanimity or contentment.

Yoga Therapy integrates and explores all of the challenges that might arise in life, meaning physical ailments, emotional hardships, and mental patterns.

It has a big toolbox of adaptations and modifications, which take into account typologies and constitutions, and apply the secrets of Yoga in therapeutic and cumulative ways.

Scientific studies have shown that ancient yogic knowledge ameliorates many ailments and eases challenges that arise due to our modern lifestyles and daily demands. Almost as if health is a byproduct of a yogic lifestyle, it allows you to become more disciplined, gain more strength and self-control, and at the same time it encourages deep relaxation, awareness, and equanimity or contentment.

Yoga Therapy integrates and explores all of the challenges that might arise in life, meaning physical ailments, emotional hardships, and mental patterns.

It has a big toolbox of adaptations and modifications, which take into account typologies and constitutions, and apply the secrets of Yoga in therapeutic and cumulative ways.

While the high aspiration for self-realization remains present even in Yoga Therapy, the focus is on removing obstacles on the path and addressing the challenges of everyday life in the modern world.

Yoga Therapy has definitely involved in modern times to support the needs of people today, who – contrary to the yogis of yore. who loved mainly in ashrams, removed from worldly life – live in cities with children and families, hectic careers, health problems from the modern diet and our sedentary lifestyles, etc.

So Yoga Therapy is almost a response to a greater need for spirituality and healing in this modern life. It lets us focus on purification, harmonious personal integration, and healing at the lower levels in order to eventually help us make space for our spiritual development.


If you would like to book an appointment with me, please
just follow the 3 steps:

Step 1

Contact me HERE to make an appointment

Step 2

Pay via Paypal or credit card

Step 3

Connect with me via Skype, WhatsApp or Facebook for an international call

Suriya Nicole Nitschke

You may book your personal consultation with me. 

15 + 2 =

You may book your personal consultation with me.

7 + 12 =


What People Are Saying

“Suriya’s approach to Yoga has had a huge impact on my life. My journey with yoga began with her, and the transformation I’ve experienced is beyond words.”

Antonio Compbell

“Before stepping onto the mat, I was grappling with insomnia, back pain and digestive problems. Stress, lack of flexibility, and a constant sense of disconnection were daily companions. Little did I know that the path of yoga would become my sanctuary for healing and growth. I am so grateful to Suriya and her informative classes.”

Hélene Youville

“I learnt so much and I could see improvements in all of my challenges already after a few classes. I am definitely a fan!”

Isabella Lexis